Sunday, November 29, 2015

Where we stand today

It's been a pretty stable week here in Old-Folk's Land. We had a sedate Thanksgiving dinner at the nice restaurant in Mom's Place, with me, Julie, Niece S, Ezra and Mom-in-law. We stuck to well-worn conversational topics, got Mom organized in her room, and Ms V and I made it to the 1 p.m. showing of "Spotlight," a very good movie. Ez and S drove Mom-in-law home -- thank heaven for helpful kids.

I was with Mom again yesterday for a couple of hours. We played balloon badminton in the basement, and she did some pacing back and forth on the two-rail walkway. She does that very well, she's got strength in her legs, but I felt sad that this tantalizing taste of independent mobility will never lead anywhere for her, as, without rails, she will fall and break another bone. Today at church I had to push her back down in the chair a couple times when she tried to stand, as I do almost every time I'm with her.

We had a snack after church at a table that accumulated about a half-dozen people and had good conversation for a while, Mom mostly quiet and pleased to be listening, though she talked to one kind woman. I could tell from the woman's perfected nods and unmoving smile that Mom wasn't always making sense, but that's not so unusual at the place. I've long since stopped trying to cover for her, which is just as bad as the nonsense.

Getting her the private aid for weekday mornings has really improved her life. Loneliness is the enemy.

Today, if I had to give a report, I'd say tracking and logic are down, but so is unhappiness, which I'll take.  

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