Friday, February 19, 2021

Earlobe fatigue


It's not really the lobe, google says, but rather the pinna or auricle that all that crap is hanging on. The lobe is the drippy thing on the bottom, as if you didn't know.  (Bet you didn't think I actually did research, did you.) In any case, it's gotten to be kind of a lot, as the crimpled, folded state of the top of my ear shows. 

If I put it all on wrong and then, say, try to put a stocking cap on, it all comes tumbling down and I have to start over. If I try to take off my glasses, or, for example, pull my mask -- or both masks -- down, you can see the problem. And don't even ask about changing the volume on my sound system. None of this, of course, has yet risen to the attention of the Biden administration, but for those of us not skilled in health care, or not flying to Cancun, it is what we're left to. 

While we're on the subject of ears, let me take you back about 40 years to one of the best days my ears ever had :

Ah, shucks. That's Ms. V, in her best flannel pajamas, fingering my smooth elfin auricle. Such hair!  




  1. This is a beautiful picture of you and Julie.

  2. "One of the best days my ears ever had". HA!! Love it 😄
