Monday, July 29, 2019

The countryside

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I've crossed and re-crossed the Mississippi several times, as my route wends and weaves, and, even more, as the river's route wends and weaves. This picture was taken up in central Minnesota, and I was thrilled to see it, but it was not the Mighty Miss it was to become. I crossed back, and then went over it again, and felt, "Come on." I think that I have finally crossed the Mississippi for the last time, somewhere above the confused course of the river through The Cities.

For Stillwater, the Saint Croix River is a bigger deal, its wide waters straddling the Minnesota-Wisconsin border until it joins the Mississippi about 24 miles south.

Here's some shots from recent days, what I see when I look left and right.

North Dakota.
The words say "Stolen Land."
North Dakota.
I stared at this for a long time. Were these spaces once dwellings?
Siesta in the corn
Colonel Cobber, in Backus, Minnesota.
The story is that Paul Bunyan cleared the land so the corn cobs could flourish. 
Rest stop.
On the Saint Croix.
Bridging the Saint Croix

Posted in Stillwater at 3:20 pm Monday, July 29, 2019.

1 comment:

  1. How great for you and Julia to be together again....if only for a little while!
    You are going to make it....I just know it! We are with you all the way!!
