Thursday, April 4, 2019

To Vegas and back

(Photographer in the sunglasses!)
March dragged on and on, and we finally had to make it end. We went to Las Vegas. Cheap airbnb, one blowout meal, no gambling and a sunny 72 degrees. Perfect. Julia the Sun Goddess spent most of her time in a lounge chair by the pool, I was rather more bookish, inside-ish. We walked all over.

As a former municipal reporter, I had to wonder about Vegas zoning practices. Consider:

Does it meet setback requirements? Do they consider aesthetic fit? What about the density? All these issues would certainly be raised by members of your average suburban zoning board. Can't we spread those buildings out a little bit? No thrill rides allowed! And, TAKE THAT STATUE DOWN!

One might wonder,  thematically: Is it an amusement park? A tribute to liberty? A lesson in Gotham architecture? Or could it possibly be about commerce?

I wonder.

Here's the one picture we took of me:

I and my friend the Sphinx look like we belong somewhere else.


Lately I've been carrying four gallons of water on my rides. Crazy, I know.  But it adds about 34 pounds, roughly what I will carry on my coast-to-coast trip. My Tosa route has several pretty good hills, including a 1.5 mile uphill (Swan Boulevard), and it's a -- excuse the expression -- sonumbitch. The mountains out west will be bigger, badder and more frequent. Even if it makes me only a little more ready legwise, it gives me the feel and balance of the weight, and prepares me psychologically for what's to come.

Yesterday, holding the bike, standing on the sidewalk, the bike tipped backwards and a kindly pedestrian who thought I was nuts helped me put it back to rights. Geez.


I've almost reached by MDA fund drive goal of $5,000! Thanks so much to everyone who contributed! A little more will put us over the top, and we can go beyond that if we like. If you want to give, go to  JON'S MDA DRIVE.

1 comment:

  1. The Sun Goddess cut her hair! I liked her ringlets.

    Smart of you to take a never-ending-winter mini-holiday.

    Congrats on getting close to meeting your goal!
