Thursday, December 31, 2015

Where is the joy?

Slammed by snow

I got five calls in two days after my sisters left town. Mom said she was in crisis, or didn't know where she lived, wanted me to come over. I am inadequate to the depth of her need -- it will never be filled. But this has happened before -- people come, she's the center of attention, and then they leave, and she falls into a hole.

The funny thing is, she didn't seem to be having an especially good time during Christmas. There was a lot of noise, a lot of people. She looked, as one sister said, like she had one foot in the grave -- gothic and frightening.

I wonder if joy is beyond her. Or, maybe the expression of joy. Her face rarely shows happiness, but, still, she could be happy.

I finally got there last night -- she was buoyant and her mind and mood were good. We had dinner, went through mail, did a couple of Christmas cards, She got tired and I left her with the aides and departed without trouble.

Another call today when I was at work. Was I coming over? No, I said. But young Ezra went tonight and took her to the New Year's Eve event at the place, and that was nice of him.

Then I got a call from a nurse saying she'd fallen this afternoon -- even before Ezra got there. Got out of bed, reached for her walker, and went down on her head. No sign of injury. It's become routine. I have half-promised to go tomorrow. I'm sure it'll be a long boring day there. But I'll wait till late afternoon so I don't get trapped.

So this is the not especially satisfying state of things. Hope everyone has a great 2016. You know where to find me.

A little reading from Kerouac on Niece K's birthday, Dec. 26.


  1. But what was the reading from Kerouac?

  2. The last paragraph of "On the Road."

    "So in America when the sun goes down ... "

  3. I love the photo of the cars.
