Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sally Ride

I wanted a new drug, so I bought a new bike. Disc brakes, fenders, taillight, cargo rack -- the whole shebang. I rode it in the parking lot, but the weather's unbefitting, so I won't sully it proper till it's nicer out.

It's got a macho look, doesn't it? But I'm going to call it Sally -- Sally Ride.

Ben's Cycle here in town set me up nice. The whole process -- choosing, paying, outfitting it -- had a ceremonial feel, which is, I know, ridiculous, but there are just so many new bikes in a life so you kind of have to savor it. Smell the oil!

So my plan is to finish my ride a year from now, spring of 2021. I would pick it up somewhere  in Michigan, and ride across Ontario. Ms. V and I have kind of a busy summer, and I don't think I'd be ready if I tried to do it this year.

I feel fortunate to still be able to bike, and to afford such a bike!


I'm volunteering for the DNC convention, held here in Milwaukee this year. The first meeting is tonight, so we'll see what that's like. I hope this doesn't shock any of my Trumpist readers out there, but, well, I'll let the chips fall.


  1. Yay, you! Both for buying a new bike and volunteering at the convention. I have a feeling it's going to be very "interesting."

  2. Jon, good to see a new post and a new bike. Well done volunteering for the convention; I hope you post about your experiences there. I think of you often!

  3. Amazing!!! The bike is amazing ... the plan to resume the cross country trek is amazing ... YOU are amazing!

  4. Beautiful bike Jon! Looking forward to following along as you continue your adventures.

  5. Woohoo! Glad to see the bike, and hear the plans, both of them. "The stars don't look bigger, but they do look brighter" (Sally Ride)
