Sunday, June 7, 2015

Nice weekend

The Menomonee River Parkway
It's been a quiet few days Momwise. With Sister S in town, I've stepped back. It is true that she is happiest with a kid in view -- she is nearly greedy for the time she spends with one of us. Yesterday, Mom woke from a nap and found Sister S missing. So she called Atlanta, Wauwatosa, and the front desk, who called the guest room where Sister S had escaped to. Let this be a lesson to all mothers: Don't let your children grow up to be hostages.

We had S over for a grill-out last night, and I took S and Mom to church this morning, myself napping through the entire service. I blame my dad as role model for this. Mom was dressed up, looked good, and was as sharp as she gets. With the quarterback missing, we had a tension-free morning. We had brunch in the Bistro as usual, and when S and I went to get food and coffee, Mom called me back to sit with her, as if 20 feet away was too far.

I had Saturday free and rode my bike all over town. Here's my trip:

The Highland Games
The Highland Games
Doyne Park

The Biergarten in Shorewood

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