From Amy's brother Tim (Saturday, Aug. 25):
Yesterday I was released from the hospital. The doctors say I will take a month or two to recover from my injuries, but I fortunately should not have any long-term health effects. Today we fly home: one less with us physically, but one more that will be with us forever. As I leave St Mary of Michigan in Saginaw, I’d be remiss if I did not thank the beautiful God sent angels that constantly watched over us. I could see my sister in each one of you and what you did for my family and I am eternally indebted to your warm kindness.
To the first responders, the air flight crew, the sheriffs deputy, and the EMT workers who have come checked on us, hugged us and cried with us every day since the accident, thank you. Those 15 minutes you’ve taken for each of the last six days to be with us and cry with us will never be forgotten. To the nurses, doctors, hospital techs and all other hospital staff who constantly watched over us, made sure we were always comfortable, and took care of every need we had before we even knew we needed it, thank you. You guys were some of the nicest, most caring people I have ever met. To the hospitals hospitality house that let my parents stay on site, thank you; to the family members who drove hours to be with us each day, thank you; to the family friends that flew up on a moments notice to be with us, thank you; to the hundreds of people, both who we know well and who we don’t know well yet that have sent messages and stories of support, thank you.
I don’t know why you guys did so much for us and cared for like you did but it means more than you will ever know. The recovery will be long, but all the support makes each step a little easier.
A friend said this to me and I think she summed it up perfectly:
“It's so beautiful that even though Amy isn't here, her kindness and loving nature is reflected in all of these people who are coming together for your family. She still brings out the best in people”
In Amy’s words: To all you beautiful humans, Thank you